New XBee Examples Site from Digi

New XBee Examples Site from Digi

Rob Faludi, author of Building Wireless Sensor Networks, and R&D dude for Digi (makers of the XBee), let us know about Digi’s new XBee examples site (, which features contributions from MAKE’s own Matt Richardson:

Right now I’ve got a big pile of different sensors, lights, motors, scent emitters and more on my desk. We’re going to demonstrate XBee hookups for ‘em all, then show how they can be linked to one another, hooked up to computers and connected to the Internet. From breathalyzers to joysticks and from wind sensors to air fresheners we’re creating a modular toolbox that should jumpstart all kinds of creative and practical XBee projects.

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I'm a tinkerer and finally reached the point where I fix more things than I break. When I'm not tinkering, I'm probably editing a book for Maker Media.

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