“I go out with it, people look at me and stare, it’s a fun time.”
Jorvon Moss
Jorvon Moss (AKA @OddJayy) is a prolific bot builder. Trained in illustration, he began tinkering with robots as a release, and now has a colossal collection of increasingly impressive robot companions. We interviewed him in Make: Volume 76, and he joined us at Maker Faire Bay Area to show off his latest creation Digit, an AI-powered, shoulder-riding best friend.
The talk is fantastic. He speaks about getting into robotics, practical considerations for hardware that lives on your shoulder, and walks through the successes and failures behind the bot. The Q&A starts at 8:41, and it’s fun hearing him field questions from both seasoned engineers and enthusiastic kids. There’s also footage of the inner workings, so if you’re curious as to what makes Digit tick, check it out.
You can read more about Digit and learn to build your own AI companion bot in Make: Volume 91, and in our Projects section.