Ode to the Gameboy: 10 Projects Based on the Iconic Portable Nintendo

Maker News
Ode to the Gameboy: 10 Projects Based on the Iconic Portable Nintendo
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What’s in your wallet? If it’s not a credit card sized, Arduino powered, Gameboy inspired rectangle of awesome, then you should look into the Arduboy by Kevin Bates (aka bateske). Kevin started this project as a holiday present to show friends, but now he’s developed it into a full-out product available for purchase on Tinde.

I like seeing the progression of the Arduboy from early prototype…

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To more refined prototype…

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To product.

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There have been several games developed for the Arduboy, including Tetris, Space Rocks (an Asteroids clone), Flappy Ball, Breakout, Chess and more. They’ve even started working on a 3D rendering engine, though Kevin admits that the Arduboy may never run something as computationally intense as Quake.

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Andrew Terranova is an electrical engineer, writer and author of How Things Are Made: From Automobiles to Zippers. Andrew is also an electronics and robotics enthusiast and has created and curated robotics exhibits for the Children's Museum of Somerset County, NJ and taught robotics classes for the Kaleidoscope Enrichment in Blairstown, NJ and for a public primary school. Andrew is always looking for ways to engage makers and educators.

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