Open source hardware – A reconfigurable handheld device could foster a community of hardware hackers

Open source hardware – A reconfigurable handheld device could foster a community of hardware hackers

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Technology Review on Bug Labs (we’ve been covering them and the latest bits about open source hardware getting attention) –

Software has become easier to customize in the past decade, but hardware, for the most part, remains closed: Apple’s battle to keep people from hacking the iPhone is a case in point. Although most consumer electronics are collections of smaller devices–cell phones typically include cameras and voice recorders, for example–users can’t swap out the devices or modify the way they work. Bug Labs, a startup based in New York City, is hoping to change that with its new device, the Bug, scheduled to start shipping late this year.

Open source hardware – A reconfigurable handheld device could foster a community of hardware hackers – Link.

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