RC Boat with cheap wireless video – Aquacraft Hammer

RC Boat with cheap wireless video – Aquacraft Hammer

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MAKE FLickr photo pool member JavaMoose outfitted a RC boat with a wireless camera, he writes – “Made a camera tube from a 35MM film canister, a pop-bottle (clear – for lens cover) and some water-proof tape.

Sure, it’s only mounted with electrical tape – but it never moved an inch. Plus, I made it on vacation with limited supplies early one morning.

Bought this [camera] on Ebay for $1 (and $30 shipping!) from China. It actually works pretty damn good, used it in the first ROV project for all the color video. Receiver and Camera run off of a 9V battery (each). Seen the exact same camera and receiver go for $100 on the web, so buyer beware as always – hunt for a better deal! Now I decided to use this camera to shoot some onboard video form the Hammer. “ [via] – Link.

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