Regina Dugan and Jason Chua at Maker Faire New York

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Regina Dugan and Jason Chua were at World Maker Faire in New York representing MAKEwithMOTO, a velcro-covered van traveling the U.S., visiting hackerspaces and maker faires. It packs 3D printers, unlocked and hackable phones, and electronic prototyping equipment, allowing visitors to design and create something and stick it on the velco if they want.

This project really underscores how some companies are really trying to appeal to the DIY sensibility by touting their products’ hackability, a far cry from the bad old days when everything was locked down and secretive. It’s a wise plan from a marketing standpoint but is also great for makers as well because we get gadgets that aren’t locked down.

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My interests include writing, electronics, RPGs, scifi, hackers & hackerspaces, 3D printing, building sets & toys. @johnbaichtal

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