Austin, Texas-based MAKE reader Adam Simpson wrote in asking for project ideas for his old house intercom system:
I subscribe to MAKE magazine and my boys and I are enjoying it. I would really appreciate any ideas you might be able to supply for an electronics project. My house was built in 1989 and it has the old-style intercom system going between rooms and the front porch. The intercom system doesn’t seem to be working. I’d like to convert it into something new. It seems a shame to waste the wiring that is already running between rooms. Do you know of any projects where people have converted their house intercom system into something new? Any ideas would be appreciated. Thank you.
Projects Editor Keith Hammond remembered the Front Door Remote project from MAKE Volume 15, where maker Ryan O’Horo set up a wireless keychain fob to control his apartment intercom door buzzer.
What other intercom project ideas come to mind? Please share them in the comments below!