Review of SYSTM – Tech Show!

Review of SYSTM – Tech Show!

Just finished watching the premiere episode of SYSTM and it’s really good- Kevin Rose and gang mod a wireless video receiver to “warspy” (looking for wireless cams in home, biz, etc..) the production and graphics in the show are outstanding- my favorite parts are the chip animations, it’s always a challenge to show those types of things, on video in particular, they did a nice job- so here’s a review with screenshots from the show!…Here are some quick screenshots from the show, go download it here. It’s pretty exciting to watch more accessible technology content like SYSTM and from the shadows come to a wider audience, and yet another great use for Bit Torrent!

Screenshot 02-1
Intro, city streets.

Screenshot 03
The Intro graphics are quite good.

Screenshot 04
SYSTM branding- seems like they spent a lot of time on all this, nice work.

Screenshot 05
The “old” way of warspying, power required, manual switching of channels.

Screenshot 06
Layout of all the tools you’ll need.

Screenshot 07
The parts needed.

Screenshot 08
My fav- chip animations.

Screenshot 09
Inside the completed box.

Screenshot 10

Screenshot 11
Found a signal.

Screenshot 12
Found another outside an apartment complex. Go grab the video to see the whole thing. Nice work Kev and gang!

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