This coming Sunday (September 20, 2015), as part of Design Week RI, five Rhode Island Makerspaces/hackerspaces will be opening their doors to the public as part of the first Statewide Makerspace Open House:
FabNewport uses technology as a platform for empowerment. Students are encouraged to discover their passions through play. Play means having time to fiddle, tinker, and experiment with materials in encouraging environment supported by a coach. Once passions are cultivated students naturally find their purpose as a means to connect with the larger world.
Jamestown Art Center
Join us in the JACLab and Ceramics Studio! We’ve teamed up with DESIGNxRI to hold an open house in our JACLab during DesignWeekRI. Instructors will run demos on the 3D printer, vinyl cutter, and t-shirt press. Our ceramics studio will be open too — meet our new JAC ceramics instructor, Kara, and learn about class offerings!
Ocean State Maker Mill (pictured above)
Ocean State Maker Mill is a membership-run organization with the mission of helping to encourage the usage of arts, engineering, and science to help make ideas become reality. We provide a workshop for our members to build their dreams, and an educational space for the greater New England community to learn new skills.
A nonprofit manufacturing incubator and Makerspace in the historic manufacturing district of Bristol, Rhode Island, where Rhode Islanders can tinker, innovate, and create products in a collaborative environment. Tapping into the regional talent pool of experts in applied product development, Tinker|Bristol will offer affordable access to shared space, 3D printers, rapid prototyping equipment, machines, tools, and technologies as well as Business Development services for new and growing manufacturing businesses.
RISD Co-Works
CO-WORKS has been developed to provide a facility that can challenge us into new ways of working together around critical making and innovation. The purpose of this pilot space is to bring together different practices, different materials, and to merge 2D and 3D practices. It is about networked technologies.
I hope to see you there!
Sunday, September 20
1:00 pm — 4:00 pm
Complete details