Saw blade that cuts and sands - Make: Saw blade that cuts and sands - Make:

Saw blade that cuts and sands

Saw blade that cuts and sands


The Final Cut saw blade packs sandpaper on the sides for a smoother cut.

The latest in saw blade technology. Fully patented and proven successful in cutting and sanding your work piece all at one time. Use with table saw and power miter boxes for the perfect joint or finished edge. No edge sanding is required after passing your work piece through the table saw and when making miters the joints virtually disappear. Make minor length adjustments by simply sliding the work piece towards the rotating blade (just like a disc sander). One operation produces two functions. Try it and see for yourself how easy it is to become a professional wood craftsman.

[via Core77]


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My interests include writing, electronics, RPGs, scifi, hackers & hackerspaces, 3D printing, building sets & toys. @johnbaichtal

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