Update: MAKers and CRAFTers – Dan and Phil from MAKE/CRAFT will be there all day Sunday, stop by and say hi! – pt
From our MAKE & CRAFT friend Wendy Tremayne:
I hope you have been cleaning out your closets for the ultimate purge… Swap-O-Rama-Rama is this Sunday!
You’ll be happy to know that the L train is running! Please spread this message far and wide.
This Autumn Swap-O-Rama-Rama has many new features and a whole new posse of wonderful artists who are coming together to share their knowledge and crafty skills with you. Of course the core of the swap is the gigantic piles of free clothing sorted into categories: pants, shirts, skirts, sweaters etc. We’re anticipating 10,000 lbs of clothing!!! These piles are the collective total of each guest’s contribution of one bag of unwanted clothes. Take home as much clothing as you can carry. But first learn to modify them countless ways. Read on for all the details or click this link: http://gaiatreehouse.com/nyoct2006.htm
Sunday October 8th, 1pm to 8pm
$10 plus any size bag of unwanted clothing
Once inside all of the materials for creativity and all the clothes you can carry are free
All ages and genders welcome!
Join the List: swaporamarama-subscribe@gaiatreehouse.com
Location: 3rd Ward
195 Morgan Ave. Brooklyn, New York
718-715 4961 (L Train to Grand St. East on Grand, Right on Morgan)
Additional Directions
Wondering what to bring? http://gaiatreehouse.com/swapattend.htm
Philosophy First
“There is no beauty in the finest cloth if it makes hunger and unhappiness.” Gandhi
While we all enjoy the orgy of unlimited free clothing Swap-O-Rama-Rama is inviting you to experience much more than a loaded, groovy closet and fatter wallet. At the swap we take back creativity from industry by choosing to make rather than buy. Nothing is better for the greediest of capitalists than ignorant people. By learning to make we choose independence and we discover our own creativity, something industry takes away from us in the dumbing down of consumerism. Makers inevitably learn about their materials, they work together in a collective way and so they create community, something shopping does not offer. When we make we learn about materials and process and so we become exposed to information about the history of our materials and methods. And so suddenly we can see the people who spawned the crafts we’re adapting and the people who make our goods allowing us to know that industry takes gross advantage of others and of our fragile planet. Suddenly we can see what’s beneath the surface. Even the fashion industry plays a role as they promote the need for new regardless of a fantastic surplus. We live in a time when the very least that we can do is absorb our surplus, slow the grinder of capitalism down and reduce our buying and production of new materials and make it clear to the people who share this fragile world that we wish to live in harmony. The gift that you receive for this transformation is greater than I can put to words and yes includes a groovy wardrobe of free clothes and the experience of being a creator which is nothing short of bliss. Enjoy the swap!
– Wendy Tremayne
At the Autumn Swap-O-Rama-Rama you’ll find…
* A unique workshop an hour, each teaching a unique clothing recycling modification skill.
* DIY stations where you can learn traditional crafts like embroidery, knitting, beading and appliqué.
* Sewing stations with many sewing machines run by knowledgeable clothing and costume designers who will teach you how to sew and make modifications to your new finds. Machines and sewers brought to you by MakeWorkshop and Janome
* Silk screening on site by Garison Buxton & Ray Cross (check in with them for future full length screening workshops)
* A recycled fashion show featuring many swap artists with a finale by Kate Goldwater and her Auh20 Designs
* A team of stylists will style you at Swap-O-Rama-Rama, hosted by Syliva Holden
* Homemade vegan yummies by Louisa Shafia’s Lucid Food
* The first 250 people swappers to attend will receive the first issue of CRAFT Magazine. Craft is the first project-based magazine dedicated to the renaissance that is occurring within the world of crafts. Celebrating the DIY spirit, Craft’s goal is to unite, inspire, inform and entertain a growing community of highly imaginative people who are transforming traditional art and crafts with unconventional, unexpected and even renegade techniques, materials and tools; resourceful spirits who undertake amazing crafting projects in their homes and communities. We call them “Makers”.
* Prizes will be given out throughout the day, they include subscriptions to Make Magazine, and a host of recycled good from EcoArtware
* Free clothing labels will be available to you to cover existing branding and reclaim your creativity from industry. They read 100% Modified by Me/Recycled. Enjoy!
* Remaining clothing is donated to Dominics Mobile Ministry
* Once inside the event all creativity materials are free and included.
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