This post is coming to you live from the Saint-Malo Mini Maker Faire in France, being held all weekend at the Quai Duguay-Trouin.
I talk with Nolween Febvre and David Blouin from the Les P’tits Doudous at the University Hospital in Rennes about their project — named “Maker of Merit” at last year’s Paris Maker Faire — to provide a tablet-based game to assist children facing anaesthesia.
Results from the project are excellent — heavily reducing the drug use before anaesthesia in their hospital — and they are now running a crowdfunding campaign to raise money to give the game to other hospitals, and have already reached their initial target of €55,000, which will allow them to help 15 other hospitals around France.
However in the closing days of the campaign their stretch goal is to help other hospitals in French-speaking countries — like Switzerland and Belgium — but also hospitals in other parts of the world, such as the Channel Island of Jersey, and Quebec in Canada, where French is also spoken.