The fine makers over at the Boiler Bar in Oakland, California, are hosting a May Day Party this Saturday, May 2nd, from 8 p.m. “till the flowers wilt.” There will be snake charming, cancan girls, fire and may pole dancing, burlesques, lots of live music, handmade hooch from the Boiler Bar, flaming aerial spectacles, and a chance to see the Golden Mean up close and personal.
Pictured above are Jon Sarriugarte and Krysten Mate, makers of the Golden Mean and key members of the Boiler Bar crew. We’ve featured them in MAKE Volume 16, on Make: Online, and they’ve been a presence at every Maker Faire we’ve hosted. Come see the Boiler Bar extravaganza as well as the Golden Mean gorgeous snail at this year’s Maker Faire Bay Area 2009 on May 30th and 31st.