The Ins And Outs Of Building A Mechanical Digital Clock

3D Printing & Imaging Electronics Maker News
The Ins And Outs Of Building A Mechanical Digital Clock

We’ve all been there before, we see something gorgeous online and decide “I have to build one of my own”. Lukas Deem did this and didn’t hold back with sharing his experience. Ultimately though, the final result is so cool, I’m glad he shared.

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The original design by Alstroemeria on Instructables was really cool. I agree with Lukas there, and totally see why he wanted to recreate the project. Here’s the original video because Alstroemeria also deserves some attention for designing and sharing this fantastic project!

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Since I found this project via Lukas Deem’s channel, I wanted to give Lukas some credit too. There’s something great about actually following up some of these online tutorials to share the experience of actually trying to bring them to life.

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I get ridiculously excited seeing people make things. I just want to revel in the creativity I see in makers. My favorite thing in the world is sharing a maker's story. find me at

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