MAKE Flickr photo pool member Judyofthewoods made an intense todo board (check out the photo notes on the Flickr page)… she writes – “A magnet board made from an old picture frame and some weathered galvanised steel. The action slips are arranged in context groups, e.g. ‘dry weather’, ‘daytime’, ‘neutral’ etc. with symbol and code magnets giving further information, and identifying the actions on the time graph to the right. The advantage of writing a todo list on individual slips is the flexibility of being able to rearrange them, and move the slips to wherever they may be needed at any given time, e.g. from conception on the move to a project file, to the tickler, to the todo board, and maybe to a portable mini folder/wallet as a reminder when on the go, and perhaps back into the tickler for rescheduling. When the job is done, the slip is removed and the integrety of the list retained. The slip can also have additional, possibly dynamic information added to it, like context or symbols for importance, effort , concentration or time required, or any other criteria. “ [via] – Link.
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