The Remaking of Detroit - Make: The Remaking of Detroit - Make:

The Remaking of Detroit

The Remaking of Detroit

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Detroit is a modern wonder. You’d be hard pressed to find an American city that rose so high and fell so far. At the height of its stature as the Motor City in the 1950s, Detroit had a population of about 2 million. Today, white flight to the suburbs, the decline of the automobile industry, the loss of the city’s tax base, and crumbling infrastructure have whittled the city’s population down to about 750,000. But Detroit is far from out.

Cheap rents, readily available real estate, and an ingrained culture of making are contributing to a grass roots renaissance that’s truly exciting to behold. The city is being reborn in real time. Our friends at Dark Rye created an inspiring video about the remaking of Detroit that focuses on Nick Britsky and i3Detroit. Have a look and be sure to check out Maker Faire Detroit July 27-28 to see more proof of Detroit’s maker spirit.

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Stett Holbrook is editor of the Bohemian, an alternative weekly in Santa Rosa, California. He is a former senior editor at Maker Media.

He is also the co-creator of Food Forward, a documentary TV series for PBS about the innovators and pioneers changing our food system.

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