The Upcyclist Party Contest – Bridesmaid Dress Table Settings

Hey stitchers! Check out this fun cocktail party decor sewn out of old bridesmaid dresses. These great party decorations were created by Flickr user Chica_and_Jo, and are one of the entries in the Singer/CRAFT Upcyclist Party contest!
For all the details on how you too can enter to win prizes including a fab new Singer Curvy Sewing machine, click here. The contest ends next Friday, 11/14, so get those entries in now!
The Upcyclist Party Contest Flickr group
Read the Contest Rules

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Jenny Ryan

Jenny Ryan is an artist, crafter, and maker of things. She lives in Los Angeles with a pack of various animals (including her husband) and writes about her adventures in creating at Exit Through the Thrift Shop.

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