Trebuchets, Projection Mapping, and Near Space at Chicago Southland Mini Maker Faire - Make: Trebuchets, Projection Mapping, and Near Space at Chicago Southland Mini Maker Faire - Make:

Trebuchets, Projection Mapping, and Near Space at Chicago Southland Mini Maker Faire

Education Maker News
Trebuchets, Projection Mapping, and Near Space at Chicago Southland Mini Maker Faire


The Chicago Southland has a long blue collar history of hard work and a hands-on, do-it-yourself attitude. People here take pride in what they do and the things they make, so much so that the Southland has become widely known for it. The Southland Mini Maker Faire is an extension of that history. It takes that rich heritage of making and breathes new life and new ideas into the mix.

Southland Mini Maker Faire is hosted yet again at The Pipefitters Local 597 Training Center on August 27th, 10am-5pm. The event will feature exhibits from Microsoft, Ozinga, students from DePaul University and Prairie State, and makerspaces like Pumping Station: One, Workshop 88, River City Labs, and SpaceLab, plus much, much more. This is the biggest Southland Mini Maker Faire yet.

Last year’s event saw nearly 1,000 people come through and exhibits ranging from a holographic machine to an augmented reality sandbox. This year, you can expect many of those same exhibits to revisit the event, but additionally see even more hands-on activities. We’ll have exhibits featuring the Hololens, collaborative mural making, a near space balloon demonstration, drones, local games, arcade machines, telescopes, power wheels racing, robotics, local food and coffee, and even a trebuchet!


Just like last year, there will be a main demo stage, and a main exhibitors hall. Adding onto that, there will be classes and workshops throughout the day for people to sample and sit down to learn from.

Tickets are on sale now, and can be picked up here!

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Jayson Margalus has co-founded the makerspaces Workshop 88 and SpaceLab in the suburbs of Chicago. He makes games and teaches game development at DePaul University. In his free time he hacks, gardens, brews beer, teaches kids how to program, and more. Say hi to him at @jaymargalus on Twitter!

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