With the wonders of the MAKE digital edition, the online DRM free version of MAKE print (complete, vivid recreation online) – we’re able to figure out what the top articles are and we share that data each month or so.
After running our “What you’re reading in MAKE 12” and “Top articles in MAKE 1-11” a subscriber made some suggestions and we’ve updated the digital edition – here’s what’s new: More IP addresses, you can now view the magazine from 20 IP addresses – before it was 5 but there were a couple people that used more than 5 computers in a day and wanted to read MAKE from all of them (awesome!). We’ve also adjusted printing – before you had to print 10 pages at a time, now you can “print all” – it’s still a better idea to print sections and articles (the pages are big) but now you can print all of them. Thanks SuperJdynamite for the suggestions!
So, if you want to dive in to the digital edition you can start right away, subscribe to MAKE (use code CMAKE for $5 off USA) and get going – Link.