Vacuum tube radio kit

E-Clec-Tech 1899 274864
Ok gang, the Gakken kits from Japan are going quick, here’s the next one we’re releasing! The vacuum tube radio kit – From Gakken’s Sophisticated Science Kit for Adults, this great kit allows you to put together a real, functional, vacuum-tube radio! Includes a pin straightener for the vacuum tubes, a testing microphone so you can make sure everything is hooked up correctly to produce sounds, rubber feet on the fiber board to minimize “howling,” a variable condenser to allow for finer tuning, a recreation of 60-year-old circuits, and a more powerful transformer for better volume and sound quality. Runs on five 9V batteries and one “C” battery (batteries not included). Tubes are 100% functional NOS tubes. Make is proud to be the exclusive distributor in North America for these brilliant kits! Here’s a build video to check out from 2006 (not ours, but the same kit).

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