How often have we all heard “What if Maker Faire could last a week?” Well this year, we’re doing just that, putting together an entire week of maker events and hands-on workshops on all kinds of maker skills around the Bay Area. Check out the full list, or read on for a curated list of the ones I am the most stoked for!
Starting tomorrow (Friday, May 11) is the Space Leadership Unconference, at 1pm at Circuit Launch in Oakland. This event is geared to organizers and maintainers of any kind of space, hackerspaces, art spaces, and makerspaces in schools, libraries, co-ops, and standalone. Come talk about the challenges and problems that space leaders face, as well as celebrating all of the good things that space leaders experience. Then on Wednesday, take a tour of Ace Monster Toys, and see an example of a working, well-maintained, community-organized makerspace.
SLU: Space Leadership UnConference
May 11th | 1pm | $12 | Circuit Launch, Oakland
Ace Monster Toys Makerspace Tour and Show n’ Tell
May 16th | 7pm | FREE | Ace Monster Toys, Oakland
There are all kinds of workshops in different handiwork mediums, including one on foil polishing (a process that I find fascinating). You can also learn about working with and modifying patterns, as well as getting started with blacksmithing and woodworking.
Metal Polishing with Tinfoil Spheres
May 12th | 6:30pm | $30 | TheShop.build, San Francisco
Pattern Hacks: Adjust the Bust
May 17th | 2pm | $50 | HelloStitch, Berkeley
Simple Fun Woodshop Projects
May 12th | 11am | $30 | Ace Monster Toys, Oakland
Blacksmithing for Beginners
May 14-16 | 6pm | $300 | Black Oaks Wilderness School, Oakland
For those who want to get into electronics we have a wide array of project-based workshops. Check out how cool the Walabot sensor platform is and see what it can add to your electronics projects ideas, or for those who just want to have some fun, you can build Orange Kat’s Useless Machine, which every maker should have on their desk.
Walabot 101 Hands-on Workshop
Presented by Vayyar Imaging
May 17th | 5pm | FREE | Circuit Launch, Oakland
Let’s Build Orange Kat’s Useless Machine
May 13th | 6pm | $40 | TheShop.build, San Francisco
If you want to work on your programming, check out the IoT workshop — take the mystery out of the Internet of Things by building and programming your own IoT device. Or design and program your own wearable fashion accessory to wear at Maker Faire. For the more competitive makers, you can assemble a team to build your own autonomous “Donkey Car” and get started racing with DIY RoboCars.
Sew a Programmable Light-up Circuit with Amped Atelier
May 12th | 11am | $40 | The Exploratorium, San Francisco
Internet Of Things Class
May 12th | 1pm | $50 | Benicia Makerspace
Build an Autonomous R/C Car with Raspberry Pi
May 12th | 11am | $200 per team | The Exploratorium, San Francisco
If science is your jam as much as it is mine, you will be super excited to check out the Cuttlefish RNA workshop happening at BioCurious. I am also really excited about the Citizen Science workshop — Circuit Python is my favorite way help young people learn to program and this workshop looks good for educators aiming to include programming into a science curriculum. Plus you have a ton of great options at TheShop on topics like electromagnetism and crystal radios.
Cuttle Wranglin’: Studying RNA Editing of Dwarf Cuttlefish
May 15th | 7:30pm | FREE | BioCurious
Citizen Science with Circuit Python
May 15th | 6pm | $48 | Circuit Launch, Oakland
There are some really cool workshops for kids, making me wish mine were still young enough for me to get away with tagging along “to help.” For those too young to attend the Maker Faire edition of Exploratorium: After Dark, the Superfun Maker Block Party promises to be just as entertaining with a ton of hands on maker fun. Gamer kids will enjoy the Make.Alt.Cnl where you can make your own original game controllers using Circuit Playgrounds or Makey Makeys.
I am also really interested in “3D Modeling: From Here to Faire” at the Bay Area Discovery Museum, where kids will not only learn digital fabrication — their parts will be incorporated into BADM’s actual booth for Maker Faire. I can’t wait to see what they come up with!
Superfun Maker Block Party!
Four amazing workshops for family in one evening at two locations Thursday, May 17th!
Printmaking One-of-a-kind Artwork with Curious Jane | 5pm – 8pm
Crafting with the NOMAD Cool Bus: Stencils and Textile Arts | 5pm – 8pm
Playful Robotics with Wonderful Idea Company | 5pm – 8pm
Tinker Your Way Out of This | 5pm – 8pm
Suggested donation: $10 per family | RSVP for the Superfun Make Block Party Here
Presented by Curious Jane, Nomad, Tinkering School, and Wonderful Idea Co.
May 14th | 4:45pm | FREE | Impact Hub Oakland
3D Modeling: From Here to Faire
May 16 | 2:30pm | FREE | Bay Area Discovery Museum, Sausalito