Calling out to all makerspaces, hackerspaces, and community workshops, World Wide Open Hackerspace day is coming and you should participate!
This initiative is spreading from the Chaos Computer Club in Switzerland and is quickly growing across Europe with over 50 spaces ready to participate in a global open house on August 27th. I think it would be truly awesome to see this community connect around the planet for a single day of solidarity in reaching out to their local community to come and see what they are about.
The Chaos Computer Club (CCC) invites to the Open Hackerspaces Day on August 27, 2022. We want to introduce ourselves, show projects, open up to guests and anyone interested, and maybe bust a few hacker myths in the process.
Hackerspaces are open places for the creative use of technology. They not only provide tools such as 3D printers and electronics labs but also offer a space where hackers, makers, and tinkerers can meet to exchange ideas and work on projects together.
Some folks might be reading this and thinking, but we’re not a “hackerspace”, and I think that’s fine! You should participate anyway. The discussion of what constitutes each of these gathering places has long been a topic for our community, but the end result is that they’re all very inclusive and want people join up and explore their passions.
One tip that I might offer though, if you intend to advertise for the local community to come by and check out your space, is to go through your makerspace and do a safety sweep to ensure that no inexperienced guests are going to stumble into a dangerous situation.
[feature image: NYC Resistor]