Identigene is selling a DNA paternity test collection kit in every state except New York (Identigene let me know that New York state requires a court order or Doctor prescription along with a 3rd party witness to do a DNA test, Identigene can do it – just need those requirements – so that’s why this isn’t in retail stores in NY)… via Buzzfeed.
This is very interesting, there’s already a coffee shop that does this too!
Identigene’s DNA Paternity Test Collection Kit is now available for over-the-counter purchase at all Rite Aid drug stores throughout the U.S. with the exception of stores in New York state. The Identigene DNA Paternity Test Collection Kit was the first DNA test ever sold in retail stores when it was offered on a trial basis beginning November 2007 in California, Washington and Oregon. Demand has been very strong, store sales are brisk and Identigene has been inundated with questions regarding the product’s availability.
Identigene offers a full range of DNA testing services including tests used to determine paternity, siblingship and other familial relationships, as well as DNA tests for purposes of immigration, child custody, settling estates and other family-related situations.
Boy or girl? A DNA test sold over the web can tell you…
News from the future: Printing with DNA.
Home Molecular Genetics.
Coffee shop offers DNA testing.
HOW TO – Get your own DNA.
HOW TO – Extract DNA from anything living.
DIY DNA Explorer Kit.
Extracting DNA kit & DNA projects.
Kitchen Counter DNA Lab. Extract, purify, and experiment with the blueprint of life. MAKE 07 – page 59. Subscribers–read this article now in your digital edition or get MAKE 07 @ the Maker store.