This makes me happier than I can tell you! It’s another family that spends their vacation/family time together making things. Steve Hoefer writes:
Whenever a bunch of my family gets together it becomes readily apparent that most of us like to make stuff. And it just so happens that the first weekend of May a great many of us gathered to the Farm in Iowa, and one lazy afternoon it was suggested that we form groups to make chairs (for sitting and enjoying campfires) out of things found around the farm.
This idea was seized upon with great enthusiasm, which should probably tell you something about my family.
And so what started as a suggesting for “something to do” spread quickly. Before darkness fell, we had created seating for eleven and gathered them around a camp fire.
I love these people! We’ll be featuring more family challenges and MAKEcation ideas (i.e. staying home and making things together as a vacation, or going on make/DIY-oriented vacations) as we head into summer. Start thinking now about what you and your family might do for a MAKEcation, document it, and send it to us. We’ll be running some MAKEcation contests as well. Stay tuned…