DIY Carbon fiber bicycle brakes - Make: DIY Carbon fiber bicycle brakes - Make:

DIY Carbon fiber bicycle brakes

Energy & Sustainability
DIY Carbon fiber bicycle brakes

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MAKE reader Jeremy may have made the lightest carbon fiber brakes for a bike, here’s how he did it – “The carbon fiber that I used is 6 K 10.9 oz/sq yd and I used 5 plies of it. After the carbon is laid down over the “mold”, I laid some nylon release peel ply over it so that the absorbant batting like material called “breether and bleeder” wont stick to the carbon project itself. This batting material is there to absorb any excess resin that gets pressed out of the carbon fiber (and there will be a good amount). All of this is placed inside of a vaccuum pump that has a hose coming out of it, and inserted into a gallon freezer Ziploc bag.”Link.

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