Hammocks: the symbol of lazy environmentalism (and proper permaculture design)
Regardless of your green ambitions, it’s never hurts to know the shortcuts to more sustainable choices. Funny and in this category is this guide to green living, even featuring a sustainable introduction:
Anyone who thinks it’s tough to be an environmentalist has got it all wrong. That’s why I’ve gone to the considerable trouble of assembling a guide that even the laziest man on earth, who may or may not be yours truly, can follow to live according to ecologically friendly principles. Since I’m already exhausted from writing this, there will be no further intro. See? By stopping typing now, instead of fashioning a lengthier introduction, I will have saved energy that otherwise would’ve been wasted on further powering my laptop.
Here’s an interview with Josh Dorfman, author of The Lazy Environmentalist and the guide above.