LED Motorcycle Tail Light

Energy & Sustainability Technology
LED Motorcycle Tail Light

Here is how to make an LED brake light for your motorcycle. It doesn’t have detailed schematics, but there is a nice photo gallery of the build process. There are several advantages to using LED’s according to the author:

  • Instant-on – There is no filament to heat up, so the light comes on immediately. This should attract others drivers’ attention.
  • Uniform brightness – By using 80 LEDs, I can fill the taillight evenly with light, thereby making the most of the limited area I’ve got.
  • Higher brightness – I can make the brake light brighter than stock.
  • Lower power – At maximum brightness (which I won’t use), this light takes 20 Watts — less than the 35 Watts the normal taillight takes.

Make a LED Motorcycle Tail Light – Link

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