LEGO Mendocino Motor - Make: LEGO Mendocino Motor - Make:

LEGO Mendocino Motor

Energy & Sustainability Fun & Games Science Technology

Here is a variation on the Menocino Motor project. The Mendo Motor is a solar-powered magnetically levitating motor invented by super maker Larry Spring, of Mendocino California. This is a great project to do with high school kids. The Motor incorporates woodworking, electricity, magnestism, troubleshooting, and can also be used as a way of teaching computer-aided design.

What solar energy projects do you do in school or at home? How do you show solar energy? How would you explain the function of this motor? How do you use LEGOs to prototype designs? What is the best project you have done with LEGO? Join the conversation in the comments and add your photos and video to the MAKE Flickr pool.

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