Earlier today we had a high tech garage door locator/car stopper, and here’s a low tech version from MAKE Flickr pool member Hiram_cook – “Here is my version of a low-tech garage locator device, very low tech. It consists of a piece of carpet, a 4×4 board and some roofing nails. The carpet was one of those samples you can buy at a flooring store. I seem to remember that I paid $1.00 for it. The wood and nails I had left over from a repair job I did at home. All you do is nail the board to the carpet using the roofing nails which have a very large head to help keep the rug attached. Then just lay the whole thing on the garage floor at the position that stops your car where you want it to stop. Once you fine this place I marked the floor with a big marker in case the stop gets kicked out of position when the car is not holding it down. Next time you go to park you ease into your parking space and you will feel when the tire pushes against the wood stop. Perfect stop ever time without batteries to wear out and need replacing. I thick I’ve had this stop in place for over 12 years and I haven’t replaced a battery yet. “ – Link.
HOW TO – Build your own garage locator device – Link.