Tag Your Green Contest: Cell Motion BioBus

Energy & Sustainability

Here is the next installment of Maker Pioneers featuring inventors, entrepreneurs, and makers who are dreaming up clever solutions to today’s energy and environmental problems. This video focuses on the Cell Motion BioBus, a self-powered mobile microscopy lab conceived by Ben Dubin-Thaler that brings hands-on science education to students in New York City lacking such resources at school. Built inside of a decommissioned San Francisco transit bus, the BioBus runs on power from its solar panels, wind turbine, and engine burning waste vegetable oil. Students not only discover the microscopic world around them, but learn about the green tech on-board that powers the lab.
Don’t forget to check out our Tag Your Green Contest. Some clever, fun projects and ideas have been submitted. Vote for the ones you like. Put up your own projects, grab your “tag,” and spread it across the interwebs. Get your social network to vote for your projects. Tag Your Green!

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