“Tikkun Olam” is a Hebrew phrase that literally means “Making the world better”. TOM, which stands for “Tikkun Olam Make-a-thon” is a marathon of Making and Hacking dedicated to just that.
For 3 days this summer, Makers of all kinds will be gathered in an amazing industrial space in Nazareth, Israel, to develop, design and produce prototypes of items aimed for making the world better. Specifically, for improving the quality of life and independence of people living with disabilities.
TOM, a project by The Schusterman Philanthropic Network and The Reut Institute’s XLN project, is a Make-a-thon: a hackathon of Makers. Makers: designers, engineers, professionals and hobbyists and “Need-Knowers”: people living with a disability of people working and living with people with disabilities will invent, design and create working prototypes, for the benefit of all.
TOM takes place on June 29th – July 1st, 2014. Unfortunately, the application period for the event ended on May 10th. Those accepted to take part in TOM will get the experience of a lifetime: Other than using your Maker-Powers for doing good, you will be staying in 5 stars accommodation, working in a state-of-the-art 3D-printers-savvy specially-crafted makerspace and may be eligible for a heavily subsidized trip and stay to Israel.
For more details and to apply go to the TOM Website. For questions and comments mail: info@tomisrael.org.