Robert Bruce Thompson on the demise of the chemistry set


Robert Bruce Thompson, author of MAKE:Books’ Illustrated Guide to Home Chemistry Experiments, spoke at the 2008 Bay Area Maker Faire on the demise of the chemistry set. He traces the history from the good old days when chemistry sets were full of possibilities to the present day where they are very hard to obtain. Check out the book to learn how to roll your own home chemistry lab! Video link

Illustrated Guide to Home Chemistry Experiments. For students, DIY hobbyists, and science buffs, who can no longer get real chemistry sets, this one-of-a-kind guide explains how to set up and use a home chemistry lab, with step-by-step instructions for conducting experiments in basic chemistry. Learn how to smelt copper, purify alcohol, synthesize rayon, test for drugs and poisons, and much more. The book includes lessons on how to equip your home chemistry lab, master laboratory skills, and work safely in your lab, along with 17 hands-on chapters that include multiple laboratory sessions.

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I'm a tinkerer and finally reached the point where I fix more things than I break. When I'm not tinkering, I'm probably editing a book for Maker Media.

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