Shawn writes –
“Over the past 12 months, hundreds of families have downloaded instructions from SAS’s sister site, SciFair.org, for an extraordinary science project. The instructions explain how to build a remarkable device that is so incredibly sensitive, it can easily detect the magnetic field generated by the solar wind. The sun sprays out into space a turbulent stream of charged particles called the solar wind. These particles in turn create a tiny magnetic field that pitches and shifts as it flows through the solar system. Scientists call this the interplanetary magnetic field.
The response to the project has been overwhelming!
Well, I’ve just completed over 150 hours of work to turn those instructions into a complete science kit that makes building this instrument a snap. With it, you and the young scientist(s) in your life will be able to easily detect what space scientists call the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) from the safety and comfort of your own living room.
This kit contains absolutely everything you need to build this instrument and use it to get personally connected with the subtle workings of the greater solar system.” – Link.
- Tail-kicking science fair projects… – Link.