The Modern Marvels Invent Now Challenge named the top 25 Inventions of 2006 and we have some pictures! These are part III!
Dr. David L. Cull, Surgeon, Greenville, SC. Hemoaccess Valve System: The Hemoaccess Valve System is a device that is able to regulate blood flow in arteriovenous (AV) grafts which are used to connect patients with kidney failure to a dialysis machine.
Behrokh Khoshnevis, Professor of Industrial Assistance Engineering, Los Angeles, CA. Contour Crafting: Contour Crafting is a computerized fabrication technology for the automated construction of whole structures as well as sub-components, allowing a single house or colony of houses to be automatically constructed in a single run.
Russell D. Keller, Truck Driver, Oklahoma, OK. Drag Vent: An air diversion device captures a flow of air from above a roadway vehicle and forcibly diverts the captured air to the center of the low pressure area at the rear of the vehicle, thus reducing the amount of drag force applied to the vehicle and increasing the vehicles efficiency of operation.
Henry Liu, Retired Professor of Engineering, Columbia, MO. Durable Fly Ash Bricks: This new process transforms fly ash, which is the dust collected from the smoke generated from coal combustion at power plants, into durable bricks.
Robert E. Fischer, CEO, Optics One Incorporated, Westlake Village, CA. Light Pipe: A new flashlight innovation that behaves like a kaleidoscope, creating near perfect light uniformity at the output end of the pipe.
Part I, Part II.
Press release – Link.
Modern Marvels Invent Now Challenge – Link.