In honor of Citizen Science month, here are some science-related projects available on the site. If you haven’t registered yet, done a project, or posted one, here’s how to get started. Also, don’t forget that Evernote now offers a Make: Projects Notebook in their “Trunk” area, so you can add (select) Make: Projects to your notebooks.
And here’s a challenge: The first person to post a science-related piece to Make: Projects and send me the link, wins a Maker’s Notebook!
Home Mycology Lab
Use an off-the-shelf home air purifier to culture and grow mushrooms.
Backyard Biodiesel
A project from MAKE Volume 03, our car hacking issue, on converting vegetable oil into a liter of biodiesel fuel.
Jam Jar Jet
Bill Gurstelle shows you how to build, in an afternoon, a simple pulsejet engine in Mason jar.
Model Wind Tunnel
Getting the competitive edge in Pinewood Derby by building your own wind tunnel for testing the aerodynamics of models.
There are plenty more projects, recipes, tutorials and primers to be had on Make: Projects!
Make: Science Room
Don’t forget to check out the huge sale on science-related products currently going on in the Maker Shed! 50% off of many products!