Arduino ProtoShield assembly + use

Arduino ProtoShield assembly + use

Ps Build 260
Bob writes –

The Arduino board is an inexpensive, open-source microcontroller board. The development environment is also open-source and freely downloadable.

The Arduino board is sold in the United States by Shields are extension boards that can combine with the Arduino main board to extend it’s capabilities. That gets us to the main point here. The ProtoShield kit from SparkFun adds a couple of LEDs, switches, and an optional solderless breadboard making prototyping that much simpler.

I recently purchased an Arduino board and ProtoShield, but wasn’t able to find much information about assembly and use of the ProtoShield. So, I decided a short tutorial showing how I put together the ProtoShield might be useful to others. Here goes.

atomicsalad: Tutorial: SparkFun ProtoShield Assembly + Use – Link.

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