Calculating Danmark incorporates an old 7-segment calculator and an Arduino to make a physical representation of Second Life’s virtual economics. I really it when the physical and virtual worlds are combined into a piece of artwork.
Calculating Danmark is a comment to how Second Life is branded on its economical possibilities, to such an extent that even nation states feel it is important to join the global venture of this Californian online Disneyland. The calculating machine connects to statistics at SL’s webpage and continuously calculates the average amount of money being spent by Danish users in the virtual world. The data is added together and printed by the machine on a receipt roll. The result is a small amount of money but a lot of paper spilling on the floor.
Calculating “Danmark” – Link
If you would like to know how to make something like Calculating “Danmark” you should pick up a copy of “Making things talk”. It is available in the MAKE store, and it is one of my favorite books. It is a must-read for anyone interested in micro-controllers and interacting with the physical world.
Making Things Talk is available in the MAKE store – Link