Join The Arduino Team, Sorta... - Make: Join The Arduino Team, Sorta... - Make:

Join The Arduino Team, Sorta…

Join The Arduino Team, Sorta…

Wow, I hope a MAKE reader applies for this! Arduino has partnered with a university in the south of Switzerland on a master degree in Interaction Design. Massimo (Arduino team) will be heavily involved in the teaching and the students will have the chance to intern with them. The location is also great – lakes, mountains and all the rest.

Arduino is partnering with SUPSI (the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland) to collaborate on the Master of Advanced Studies in Interaction Design: Students applying for this program will attend courses on physical computing and interaction design held by co-founders of the Arduino project such as Massimo Banzi; furthermore, they will have the opportunity to develop the master thesis in collaboration with Arduino and spend a whole term working with the Arduino platform in order to create innovative projects.

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