It was a busy week in the Maker Shed. We announced 2 new kits, the Deluxe learn to solder kit and the Arduino controlled servo robot. We had a lot of great builds and reviews too!
We started the week with my How-to Tuesday: Arduino 101 blink an LED, which seemed to be very popular with all the people getting into programming these amazing little micro-controllers.
Collin had a great how-to video about making games with Meggy Jr. I really like his unique sun-catching game that he programmed. I have to pick up a Meggy Jr. and try my hands at programming my own game.
Later in the week I made a post about building my new favorite kit by Gakken, the Stirling Engine Kit. It’s an amazing kit, full of high quality parts. I really enjoyed learning about how these engines work. I have a few plans on hacking this kit, but more on that in a later post.
Gareth finished up the week with 2 great posts from the Maker Shed. His first post was a review of the SERB Robot kit. He was really impressed by the quality and completeness of the kit. I plan on doing more posts about programming this cool kit in the near future.
Gareth also posted a great excerpt from the book Eccentric Cubicle. I don’t own this book, but after reading this excerpt it’s a must-have for my book collection. What a great read about finding hidden gems in the scrap yard.