Making it rain with Arduino - Make: Making it rain with Arduino - Make:

Making it rain with Arduino


We love it when our customers share their projects! This example by Todd Moore uses an Arduino and a LoL Shield to make a simulated rain pattern on the display. Not bad for a first Arduino project! Thanks for sharing Todd.

Building and coding the Arduino Lol Shield has been a lot of fun. My next goal will be to create a game of some kind. I know others have created Pong and Space Invaders. I’d like to come up with something different. Any ideas?

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The Maker Shed is brought to you by Maker Media, the makers of MAKE Magazine, the Maker Faire, and much more.

Launched originally as a source for back issues of MAKE Magazine, the Maker Shed expanded rapidly to meet the demand for 'projects in a box,' otherwise known as kits. Now we have a little bit of everything for makers, crafters, and budding scientists, from Arduinos to sock monkeys to chemistry sets .

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