I had the pleasure of assisting Leah Buechley with her LilyPad Electronic Fashion workshop at ETech. A couple of the participants wrote up their experiences. Writing at The Daily ACK, Alasdair Allan had this to say:
The aim for the workshop was to produce a “soundie”, a garment which produes a sound when touched in a certain place, or different sounds when touched in different ways. Issued with a SparkFun LilyPad Pro Kit, some conductive thread, conductive material for the touch sensors, and of course a needle, we set to work. Well after the obligatory jokes about how this was going to look on our expense reports obviously…
And Tish Shute of UgoTrade (whose photo from the workshop is shown above) had fun as well (in both Arduino workshops):
I think I’m hooked on Maker culture. I can’t wait to check out the Etech Maker Shed that opens today. I got a feel for the excitement of rapid prototyping in the morning doing the LilyPad Electronic Fashion workshop with Leah Buechley, a brilliant and patient teacher.