Simple touch synth with Arduino

Arduino Music

After scoring some bargain-priced touch screens, James set to work on building the Touchduino –

I used two analog pins and one digital pin for this project. I wired the touch screen to the 3v pin, the Gnd pin and the analog pins 0 and 1 set to input. In the code (digital) Pin 3 is set to PWM out. I wired the output jack to Gnd and Pin 3. The code generates a sine wave that has it’s frequency and volume variables mapped to the touch screens X and Y. So for example I have my finger at 0 X, 0 Y then my frequency will be 30 and my volume will be around 1 db. As I move up the X the frequency changes and as I move up the Y so does the volume. The frequencies jump up the pentatonic scale and if you put multiple fingers on it then it adds the values together and you get into the way higher frequencies.

James notes the LEDs are handy for visually mapping the interface – plus they look all nice n’ twinkly! More info available on Illuminated Sounds.

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