We’ve blogged about analog meter clocks before. This one uses three meters (for hours, minutes, and seconds) and is powered by Adafruit Arduino and an Ethernet Shield.
A month or so ago, a friend of mine introduced me to the Arduino Board. It’s an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on a simple microcontroller. Add various peripheral boards called “Shields” and you have a very flexible, very capable, easy to program development platform. I ordered one from Adafruit Industries, along with their Ethernet Shield, and Proto Shield. Together, these modules would be able to log on to a SNTP time server, get the correct time, and display the HOURS digit on one analog panel meter, the MINUTES digit on the next, and the SECONDS digit on the last. What a cool way to display the correct time!
The Net Data Meter from MAKE, Volume 11, page 133.