Boing Boing (a website I started as a print zine on 1988 with my wife and CRAFT founding editor Carla Sinclair) recently held a hack day at TechShop San Francisco. We challenged 12 teams of invited makers to create working prototypes of devices that did something interesting with data generated by OpenXC, an open source platform developed by Ford that allows people to connect Arduinos, tablets, and smartphones to streams of data being generated by a vehicles.
The teams created a watercolor robot, a music composition system, an animated back window display, a cost-of-driving meter, and other projects that responded to OpenXC’s car data. Many of the hackers are MAKE contributors: Joe Grand, Super Awesome Sylvia, Ben Krasnow, Tom Zimmerman, Paul Spinrad, among others. Here are videos of the six award-winning projects. Above, a video about the OPenXC Van Go, created by Super Awesome Sylvia, Techninja, Joe Grand, and Ben Krasnow.