The Arduino microcontroller has sure been getting a lot of lovin’ around here recently. First we released MAKE Volume 25, featuring tutorials and projects centered on this popular open source platform, then we did our first episode of our new streaming web show and tell, Make: Live, on Arduino, and then editor-at-large, Phillip Torrone launched his new bi-weekly editorial column with the piece “Why The Arduino Won.” This article has been making the rounds of the blogosphere and sparking a lot of great conversation.
And finally, you can access all of the above, and lots more, via our new Make: Arduino landing page. There you’ll also find features, tutorial videos and projects, resources, our Ardunio blog feed, a buyer’s guide, and original projects, such as an Arduino-driven drum pad made out of a mouse pad. Look for a new project next week!
Thanks to our friends at element14 for helping us get this page rolling.