Build Your Own Relay-Triggered Power Cord

Build Your Own Relay-Triggered Power Cord

I’m a big fan of the PowerSwitch Tail. It’s an awesome power cord equipped with a relay board that enables a relative neophyte maker (say, can run the Blink sketch in Arduino) to safely control high-voltage electrical sources. It’s great because it’s pretty much foolproof and as safe as any extension cord.

Ryan Edwards of Sparky’s Widgets shot this YouTube video showing how to build a DIY version of the PowerSwitch Tail that can switch up to 120VAC/12A.

Ryan reports that the total cost is under $20, which doesn’t compete much against the $27 PowerSwitch Tail (available at the the Maker Shed) but it’s always cooler to make one yourself!

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My interests include writing, electronics, RPGs, scifi, hackers & hackerspaces, 3D printing, building sets & toys. @johnbaichtal

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