In the wake of the Japanese disaster trifecta, I contacted our pal Francesco Fondi, of Wired Italy’s Otaku News and Hobby Media, to make sure he was OK (in Tokyo). He’s fine. He also sent us a link to a piece he’d done on about DIY Geiger counters. It looked interesting, so I asked him to translate:
To follow the level of radioactivity in the Japanese capital, local makers are building DIY Geiger counters. A popular one seems to be the USB Geiger counter kit sold by Strawberry Linux. It’s a Geiger counter based on Geiger–Müller tube (or GM tube) that can be connected to a PC.
A couple of users also started live video streaming of their Geiger counter readings on Ustream (here and here).
For a better picture of the situation, a good source is the Google Map that points out many Geiger counters in Japan (both official and DIY).
DIY Geiger Counters in Japan (Link to Fra original post on Wired Italy)