DIY RAM checker?

Computers & Mobile
DIY RAM checker?

 Ramcheck Ramcheck
Garrett writes in with a request, a DIY RAM checker, anyone ever hear of a DIY version? –

Dear Publisher:

I have recently found your magazine…its great…and this is from someone who has never done any type of electronic project or task as I read in your magazine.

Although I work in the computer industry I am not an engineer. I love to tinker and will continue to read your magazine until I have the courage to make one of your projects. As a manager I did not was not able to get my hands dirty as it were.

Keep up the good work.

My suggestion and something I would like but cannot build is a RAM memory checker. There cheapest one out there is around $800 dollars. There are other problems besides the price, it gives too much information for one.

The two best features of a RAM checker would be the ability to check all types, SIMMs,DIMMs,SDRAM, DDR…etc. and the ability to Bluetooth to a printer. The simple check of the RAM would be sufficient, is the RAM okay.

Now what I don’t know is if someone has already done this project and any referrals would be welcome.

Thanks for reading.

RAM Check – Link.

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