These folks will be at the Maker Faire. In their 12 years of operation, Alameda County Computer Resource Center (ACCRC) has built several supercomputers out of the discarded e-waste At the Maker Faire, ACCRC will be building one such cluster and powering it using their veggie-oil fueled generator.
The slave node CPUs will be entirely comprised of hardware that is brought for recycling during the event. For the master node, they will be using a dual-processor 1GHz Pentium III server that was previously donated by CNET. It’s not yet certain what the minimum hardware spec for usable slave nodes will be, but based on experience so far it is likely that it’ll be Pentium II or higher, with 128MB RAM, and the ability to boot from eitherthe network or a CD. – Link.
If you haven’t already, check out the Maker Faire program – Link.