Hit This Mario Mystery Block To Power Up Your Computer | Make: Hit This Mario Mystery Block To Power Up Your Computer | Make:

Hit This Mario Mystery Block To Power Up Your Computer

Computers & Mobile Technology
Hit This Mario Mystery Block To Power Up Your Computer

mystery block

If you use a computer tower, you’re probably familiar with the tedium of hunching under your desk to access the power button. Gabriel Olofsson certainly was, so he decided to do something about it. While it’s possible to configure some settings in order to power up via your keyboard, Olofsson figured he could whip up an easy alternative that was much cooler and more original.


Behold, the power-ful mystery block. Olofsson took a toy Mario mystery block made of tin and Dremeled off one side. He cut down the sturdy cardstock from an old iPod Touch box and used that to support an arcade button. Then he did a bit of soldering and shrink wiring and connected it to the motherboard using wires and DC connectors harvested from an old DC adapter so that it could be removed easily.

“The soldering is just to make it more durable,” he says. “This is a project I think anyone could do, really.”

Now he just needs to hang it from the ceiling and enable some sweet coin clinking sound effects!

[via Reddit]

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Sophia is the managing editor of the Make: blog. When she’s not greasing editorial gears, she likes to run, ride, climb, and lift things, and make lo-tech goods like zines, desserts, and altered clothing. @sophiuhcamille

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